Monday, June 15, 2009

"Just Keep Pedaling"

I just returned from a "short" trip to Arizona and was feeling a little sad yesterday as I returned to rainy cold weather. I swear, spring lasts forever here in Idaho and it's wet! That anticipation of summer starts to get old. However, it is green EVERYWHERE and beautiful so I must just be patient and "keep pedaling". That's a phrase I picked up this morning that I hope will help me get out of the dole drums and move forward. I read an e-mail letter from a former T/A who is currently on a mission and I figured it fit. Sometimes, we just have to keep pedaling our way through the down times until we get to the top again. I worry sometimes when I get feeling so "blue" that I will end up struggling with the depression that seems to have found itself into my family genes and I don't want that to happen. My father struggled with it for years and it has cropped up in some of my brothers and their grandchildren. It's something to be aware of and I'm hoping I've dodged that "genetic bullet". I do find, however, that I have to learn to manage those feelings to help keep them from getting the best of me. So today, I'm going to "just keep pedaling and work it through. Somehow, whenever I can see that I'm making progress, it lifts my spirits. Let's hope I can see some today.

1 comment:

Shawni said...

I love those thoughts and what a great picture.