Monday, May 12, 2014

Mother's Day

Yesterday was Mother's Day and a day filled with gratitude for me. I am at a good stage of life. I am enjoying all the rewards of motherhood without the day to day grind that all the young mothers are experiencing. I don't feel the need to be pampered since my sweet husband has learned through the years to do that on a daily basis. My children are thoughtful and connect with me and rightfully are involved with their own  celebration. Some are pampered more than others but all are loved and cared for. I feel like the most blessed mother on the face of the earth.

I realize I have grown into this enjoyment of Mother's Day. I believe it's a process most mothers have to go through. Somehow young mothers think they should be "Queen for a day" on Mother's Day and should not need to be a mother at all that day, and ,of course, that's seldom going to happen. I decided one Mother's Day to try that day to be the best mother I could be, not expect anything, then be thrilled and surprised by any little act of kindness and receive it with gratitude as opposed to feeling I deserved it. Wow what a difference attitude makes!  Ever since that time, I have enjoyed Mother's Day. It's such a blessing to be a mother and when the fruits of your labors are as sweet as mine, gratitude is the only acceptable emotion. I am blessed among women and I know it!

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