Saturday, May 31, 2014

50th Wedding Reunion

On Monday, June 2, Bob and I will celebrate our 50th Wedding Anniversary...yes, 50 years ago we were sealed in the Salt Lake Temple in a marriage that will last forever. Fifty years may seem like a long time, but looking back it seems only yesterday that we became man and wife and it definitely will never be long enough.

As we see those around us who are not able to reach this milestone, it creates feelings of both gratitude that we still have each other and insecurities about what the future might hold...that temporary separation that is inevitable.  Each of us would prefer to be the one to lead the way into the next life.  I'm sure I will be the one left behind. It's the only kind thing to do but I hate that thought!

However, what joy it brings to know that our marriage will not end at death.  That separation will only be temporary.  If it were not for our understanding of the restored gospel and the authority it brought for us to be sealed not only on earth but in heaven, we wouldn't have that assurance.  How grateful I am also for the Spirit of the Holy Ghost that reveals to us individually that these things are true and we can count on them.

As a celebration of this event all our family (except currently serving missionaries, Jake & Paxton) will be gathering, starting tomorrow.  By Thursday night we will all be here in Arizona and the family has planned three days of celebration.  We started planning it, but gratefully, as their gift to us, our children took it over, followed an outline of activities that I thought might be fun and took it from there.  Now I'm not sure just what we will be doing in detail but am so excited about doing it with all our loved ones.  It is always a party when we gather so I have no doubt we will have a good time.

In anticipation I pray for health, safety and weather...all could affect the experience but not dampen the spirit, I'm sure.  I am so grateful for these beautiful children who are so generous with their time and talents and have made such an effort to make this next week special.  Thank you to each one for your contribution!

I am most grateful for this man I married 50 years ago.  Little did we know what we were getting ourselves into, but we are grateful for the experiences we have shared and for the way it has bonded our hearts together.  I love this guy more than I can say.  I admire him so...his vision and his courage to pursue that vision is amazing to me.  It has made for an interesting life! He loves the Lord and loves his family...the two best qualities in my estimation.  He is a dear and sweet partner, friend and companion and the love of my life!

Happy Anniversary, Bob!

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