Friday, November 5, 2010

Treasure Husbands

A longtime friend lost her husband recently very suddenly. About a year ago another dear friend lost her husband. Both were there, fully active and seemingly healthy one minute and gone the next. Yes, I know I'm at an age when I should expect such things, but it is still such a shock to see people I love and have known for so long either no longer be with us, or lose their eternal companion for the rest of this life.

I remember a woman in our ward in Arizona who lost her husband. As we visited she said, "Be nice to your husband". This latest friend had the same advice. Do we really treasure our husbands the way we should? Do we realize how empty life would feel without them? or are we focused on their failings and take all those sweet blessings for granted?

My husband is out of town today. I have to admit I enjoy a day all to myself once in a while, but, boy oh boy, am I glad that he'll be home again in just a few hours. I love that man dearly. He truly is my soul mate... not because we each found our soul mate when we met and married but because we have shared life, looked to each other, loved each other, suffered together, rejoiced together, and become one. That's what a good marriage is all about.

Life together on this earth will never be long enough. Only eternity will do. How grateful I am that I have that to look forward to. We often say that we want to go together. Neither of us wants to be left behind... even for a little while. Reality is, however, one day we will be parted. It's hard for me to even think about that. What if I didn't know that it would only be for a little while, and that I would still be able to feel his spirit close by? I just pray that it will be many many years before that time comes. We both yearn to grow old together.

My heart is with those dear friends who have had to suffer this great loss and I hope I can bless their lives in some way while they await their reunion. Also, I hope that I can treasure my sweet husband every moment of every day and remember what a gift it is to have him by my side. If I can, I will have the added blessing of no regrets.

1 comment:

Laurel said...

Wow mom---beautiful post! I especially love this part.

"I love that man dearly. He truly is my soul mate... not because we each found our soul mate when we met and married but because we have shared life, looked to each other, loved each other, suffered together, rejoiced together, and become one. That's what a good marriage is all about."

I agree 100%. I am grateful to you both for being so dedicated to each other for all these years. What a beautiful example you are to me. Love you.