Monday, September 29, 2008

Hunter Stephen Pothier Has Arrived!

In the wee hours of the morning on Sept. 26th a new grandson entered our lives!

Stephen and Kara greeted their second child and first son, Hunter Stephen Pothier who arrived weighing 7 lbs 14 oz and measured 21 inches long. He's basically bald but has some blond hair and is reported to look long and skinny. His pictures, on the other hand, look pretty filled out. We are so very grateful to have this new baby in our family and to know that all went well with the delivery.

Stephen and Kara deserve a good baby since their first one was a "nightmare". She basically screamed for months until the doctors finally agreed to tests which indicated a part of her bowels was not working properly. Surgery and special intervention has changed that picture and they couldn't be more delighted with their beautiful little daughter, Hallie. However, the thoughts of a new baby were not exactly sweet.

So far Hunter seems to be a very peaceful little guy and they are delighted. I think its all the prayers of every family member and friend that may have made this possible. Hunter shows no signs of any bowel problems - everything coming through just fine!

Now we just have to do our best to wait until Thanksgiving to give him the hugs cuddles and necky kisses that we love so much with newborns. I'm so very grateful for all the technology which will help us enjoy this little grandson from a distance. He lives in Wisconsin where Bob and Virginia have taken up the role of favorite aunt and uncle and take such good care of them all in every way. Thanks, Bob and Gin for filling in. Hallie now says she would prefer to be with them than at home. There will be some adjustments to be made!

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