Saturday, March 22, 2008

Easter Weekend

Dan and Annie are here to celebrate Easter with us. They had some great news! Their little baby, due in August is a BOY! His name will be Andrew and we are so excited to meet him! We can give him hugs but can't hold him yet. So far we have had lunch at a new Tai restaurant in town, toured Sam and Nan's new home, under construction and now I'm learning how to blog! Tonight we will BBQ steaks and fish and go to Extravadance at the school.
Tomorrow is Easter and we are cooking a turkey. Sam and Nancy, Sofie, Scott & Hilary and their four children will all come to celebrate with us. The sun is shining but its cold outside. However, the snow has finally melted off the patio and our BBQ has thawed out so we can BBQ. Summer is ahead, however, and we're excited!

1 comment:

Annie Ruden said...

We had a great time with you last weekend. Thank you for taking the time out for us. I'm excited for you to be a blogger! I love you so much!